Wednesday, July 15, 2009

christmas in july

So I told the house.
R1ce understands, like I knew he would.
Darkness doesnt like me one bit. Things have been said and things have remained unsaid. I will always have a place for you, if you will have me. That being said, I wont apologise for being selfish. I am not a selfish person by nature and god only knows this whole scenario has been painful. I have cried alot. Not anymore though. In the end I have to look out for myself.

Rainbow really is my best friend, I am so lucky to have her. She has been wonderful, I didnt want her to get stuck in the middle. I am sorry my decision had to effect others in such a negative fashion. I gave the information, it up to you how you wish to react.

I sit here, wide awake at 6am, surrounded by beautiful people. People who I really do love. Its amazing where the last few months have taken me. Beautiful places with beautiful people.

Ive learnt so much about friendship in the last couple of weeks. My own values have been reaffirmed, I count my blessings so much more and although it hurts, how people can let you down.

My friends are like christmas in july.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

nothing wrong?

Quite the hectic past week. At least, internally.
Money Vs Bindii
Round 1398.
I have a lot to think about. Its hard. I want to, it would be so different, so out of my comfort zone. Its rather enticing. Part of me doesn't want to lose what I have now. I'm very comfortable at the moment. I could potentially save $50 dollars a week. That's a lot of money. If these pirates would take me in. I don't want to lose Darkness or R1ce. I hate to leave them, I dont want them to loathe me. It would hurt. Hurt to much.


Life's horrid sometimes.

I am having a good go at it though. Finally.

67. 67. 67.
