Friday, June 19, 2009


I was never very good at ratio's in maths. I was never really good at maths in general but my spin to pot ratio is off. Im still figuring this out.

-Got hectic again.
Wednesday night.
We even ended up with a hole in the wall.
Its patched now.
I dont think I will ever not be a little bit mad about what happened.

Its made me think alot about how friends show and honour their love for each other. People have different values and expectations. It was confusing in high school because everyone used to fight and bicker between themselves over such little things. It seemed insane. The biggest for me was Mr Cakes and I, after I broke it off our friendship became messy and it took a while for things to right itself again because we had different expectations of what our friendship was to be. I got lucky with Rainbow, we talked about this today, we think that no one has a perfect friendship, things do get crinkled and need ironing and sometimes there will always be the tiniest crinkle that you cant get out but for the majority of the time it doesn't matter. You cherish the good times because in the end they out weigh the bad. And thats all that matters. You should be thankful of the beautiful memories a person has given you. After all, arent they the things you want to remember?

I am very glad to know the people I do, new and old.
I just feel so lucky.

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